Policies and procedures
Keeping us all safe
Start of day
- Disinfect/sanitize exterior, treatment room and bathroom door handles.
- Sweep and Mop Floors
- Disinfect/sanitize all surfaces including reception desk, bench, treatment room furniture, light switches and bathroom
- Disinfect/sanitize lotion bottles and hand sanitizer bottles
Pre -Treatment
- Have client use hand sanitizer upon entering clinic
- Ask client Covid Screening questionnaire for symptoms
- Offer client to use plastic bag for clothes storage
- Follow social distancing recommendations
- DIsinfect/sanitize all furniture, equipment, lotion bottles
During Treatment
- Therapist offers to wear face mask
- Therapist to wear gloves if applicable or requested
Post - Treatment
- DIsinfect/sanitize all furniture, equipment, lotion bottles, hand sanitizer bottles, pens, contactless chip machine etc.
- Disinfect/sanitize all door handles (interior and exterior) and light switches
- Encourage cashless transactions
End of Day
- Remove all laundry and garbage
- Sweep and mop floors
- Disinfect/sanitize interior and exterior door handles
- Disinfect/sanitize all surfaces including reception desk, bench, treatment room furniture, light switches and bathroom
- Disinfect/sanitize lotion bottles and hand sanitizer bottles